If you suffer injury in a car accident, fall off a ladder while painting your house or otherwise suffer from a chronic pain condition, a North Carolina doctor might prescribe an opioid drug to help alleviate your pain and discomfort. Prescription drugs don’t always cure an illness or eradicate an injury but they can help minimize symptoms or help improve your condition.
The saying that there’s always a thorn where there’s a rose may apply to prescription drug use. Yes, it may be worth it to you to take a strong narcotic, an amphetamine or other prescription medication to get rid of pain or improve your condition enough that you can go back to work or play outside with your kids. However, many such drugs are highly addictive and can wind up causing worse health problems in the long run, not to mention legal trouble as well.
Drugs you must always take with caution
It’s easy to think something is safe and good when your doctor recommends it. Doctors are capable of human error though and just because they advise something doesn’t mean it’s safe or within your best interests. The following list includes drugs that may have benefits as well as downsides:
- As mentioned earlier, opioid drugs work well for pain relief. Side effects may include feelings of euphoria, which may be why they are easily addictive.
- Negative side effects of opioids include possible dizziness, seizures, constipation and trouble breathing.
- If you take pills from someone’s opioid prescription or share yours with other people or you buy or sell such drugs outside a valid prescription, you risk facing criminal charges.
- If you suffer from anxiety or sleep deprivation, your doctor may recommend taking a central nervous system depressant, which can have a calming effect. Such drugs are also highly addictive.
- Xanax and Valium are types of CNS drugs physicians often prescribe to treat anxiety disorders. People who combine or misuse these drugs are at risk for feelings of paranoia, hallucinations or other dangerous issues.
If you drink alcohol while taking certain prescription medications, you may suffer serious consequences. Most prescriptions include warning labels that inform you of potential dangers regarding alcohol or operation of heavy equipment or motor vehicles.
Support is available
There is no shame in reaching out for support if you are struggling with a substance abuse problem. If you happen to be a licensed professional, you risk administrative penalties if your prescription drug use impedes your ability to legally and safely carry out your duties. Many North Carolina residents also have need of legal representation when prescription drugs situations get out of hand.