While Super Bowl Sunday isn't an official American holiday, it might as well be for millions of football fans and those who just enjoy having a reason to party on a winter Sunday. It's also one of the heaviest drinking days of the year. Most Super Bowl parties,...
Month: January 2019
Do you have to answer an officer’s questions when pulled over?
The Raleigh Police Department has posted a video online showing a simulated traffic stop in order to provide guidance to motorists about what to do if they're pulled over by an officer. In the video, motorists are told that they should answer any question the officer...
Do you know the limits of what police can do?
You have certain rights no matter what type of criminal allegations you are up against or charges you are facing. It is in the interests of any North Carolina reader to know what these are and what to do when experiencing a violation of these rights. One way to do...
Former North Carolina congressman changes plea to ‘no contest’
A former North Carolina congressman pleaded "no contest" in early December to a drunk driving charge. He was arrested last July in Ohio. One-time Republican Rep. Andy Dulin was stopped approximately 60 miles outside of Cleveland on a turnpike. He reportedly refused to...
Follow these rules to stay safe when stopped by the police
There's actual research to back up something that many people have long suspected about our nation's police force: There are a lot of angry people in uniform.According to the Pew Research Center, slightly more than one out of every five officers admits that they are...
Student housing rights may not be absolute
Many Americans spend their first years out of the house in a college dormitory or off-campus housing. North Carolina's fine higher education options attract many students to apartments owned by other people or institutions, and they should know the expectations of...
Vaping alcohol won’t prevent you from getting a DWI/DUI
Vaping has become a popular way to consume all sorts of substances, both legal and illegal. Some people enjoy vaping alcohol. They get the "buzz" more quickly than when they drink it. They also avoid the taste. If you like the way whiskey makes you feel, but don't...