Defending You From DWI/DUI Charges
If you have been charged with a DWI, it’s likely that you’re concerned about the consequences, which could include the loss of driving privileges, a suspended license, incarceration, monetary fines, increased insurance rates or community service requirements. Although the possible consequences are serious, a drunk driving arrest is not a black-and-white issue. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered.
Our criminal defense attorney have over a decade of experience handling criminal matters in the North Carolina legal system. We have an office in Iredell County. We work with individuals and take the time to look at all the facts leading up to the drunk driving arrest, including:
- Did you take the breath test?
- Had the Breathalyzer been properly calibrated recently?
- If the officer performed a field sobriety test, did he or she perform it correctly?
- Did the officer have reasonable cause to pull you over in the first place?
We have significant experience working both on the prosecution side and the defense side of the system. We have a good understanding of the intricate details that must be correct in a case. We will look for loopholes or legal incorrectness that other defense lawyer might miss.
Contact DWI/DUI Defense Attorney Serving Iredell And Surrounding Counties
When your driving privileges, your money and your reputation are on the line, do not trust your freedom to just any attorney. Contact our trial lawyer who are committed to fighting aggressively to protect your rights. Contact us online today or call 704-872-7438 to schedule an appointment at our Statesville office.